Our canberra videography team whacked some balls with Canberra Public Golf Course

Our main takeaway from spending a day whacking some balls with the Canberra Public Golf Course, was that while our video production skills might be up to scratch - our golf skills definitely are not.

Region Media brought us along for the day to the very first out of office classic event held by the revamped Canberra Public Golf Course. One of the best parts of the event was not only the wide range of different challenges at each tee off, but that the whole day was an effort to raise money for Roundabout Canberra who provide safe, high quality essential baby and children's items to families in need.

Not long after we arrived, we were engulfed in a sea of golf karts, beer and some mad keen golfers. If there ever was a reason to stay in shape as a video team, this day really drilled it home. Before we knew it we were running alongside golf karts at full speed capturing the magic shots that a well stabilised gimbal brings to the table.

The day flew past as quickly as the golf balls and it was off to the editing room. Check out the really fun time we captured below, who said golf couldn't be exciting?


If you’re after some top quality video production content to elevate your business, hit us up for a chat to see how we can help!


Shoelace creative is a creative agency operating across Australia with offices in both Melbourne and Canberra. We are experts in all things content, video, photography, brand development and marketing.


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